Number of articles: 5192

Online Recollection for May 2020

The day of recollection is a time for prayer and reflection on some topics of our spiritual life.

Fostering Interior Life

In Joseph's Workshop

"Joseph’s work was not self‑centred, even though his active life made him a strong and forceful personality." A homily by Saint Josemaria given on the feast of Saint Joseph, on 19 March 1963 and published in "Christ is Passing By."


The Work of Caring for the World

On the feast of St. Joseph the Worker and International Workers’ Day in Europe, "Aleteia" has published an article by Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz about the true meaning of work as service to others.

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages

Letter to All the Faithful for the Month of May

Pope Francis invites everyone to pray the Rosary with special devotion during the month of May, and offers two prayers to our Lady that can be recited after the Litany.

From the Church and the Pope

"The way of the beatitudes is an Easter path"

In his Wednesday audience on 29 April, Pope Francis concluded his catechesis on the beatitudes by offering reflections on the last one.

From the Church and the Pope

Letter from the Prelate (29 April 2020)

With the month of May about to begin, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz invites us to unite ourselves to the Pope's intentions through recourse to the intercession of our Lady.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

The Creativity of Love

In a video message for all the faithful just before Holy Week, Pope Francis encouraged us to infuse our actions with "the creativity of love," a quality especially crucial during the current health emergency.

Social initiatives

World Book Day: Some Spiritual Reading Suggestions

April 23rd is World Book Day. Here is a list of some worthwhile books, with a link to an online library of good books for spiritual reading.

Fostering Interior Life

To Know Him and To Know Yourself (V): How God Speaks To Us

The language of prayer is mysterious. We cannot control it, but little by little by persevering in prayer we find that God changes our heart.

Fostering Interior Life

"We are called to have care and respect for all creatures"

In his Wednesday audience, Pope Francis wanted to commemorate Earth Day as an "opportunity to renew our commitment to love and care for our common home, as well as the weakest members of our family."

From the Church and the Pope