Number of articles: 5192

Audio Meditation of the Prelate: "Mother of God and our Hope"

For the month of May, here is an audio (in both Spanish and English) and transcript of a meditation by Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz about the role of our Lady in our Christian life.

Prelate of Opus Dei

Little House, Big Family!

At the beginning of the fifth week of quarantine I was asked “How are you managing with all your kids in that little house of yours?” My husband and I have a happy little brood of nine children ranging in ages from 5 to 22.

Personal testimonies

May Recollection Kit (2020)

A recollection is a “mini-retreat,” a few hours of quiet prayer in which we can look at our lives in the presence of God. As we continue to face a global plague, this guide for a "recollection-at-home" will help you spend an hour or two in loving conversation with God, right where you are.

Fostering Interior Life

“Prayer is a cry arising from the hearts of those who trust in God”

In his 6 May General Audience, Pope Francis began a new series of catechetical addresses on the topic of prayer.

From the Church and the Pope

Are you free on Saturday?

“Are you free on Saturday?" V and I are hosting some friends for Theology of the Body (ToB) at our house. Please join us.” So the following Saturday, I became part of the ToB Gang thanks to two young ladies who made a discovery and had the zeal to share it with their friends.


Pope's Prayer Intention for May 2020

Let us pray that deacons, faithful in their service to the Word and the poor, may be an invigorating symbol for the entire Church.”

From the Church and the Pope

Favors "Non-Stop"

When speaking about my devotion to the Alviras and all the favors I have received through their intercession, I don't really know where to begin. They have done so much for me.


To Know Him and To Know Yourself (VI): A Richer Language

God's language is much richer than ours. He can speak to us in many different ways, with words and also with deeds.

Fostering Interior Life

Pilgrimage to Lourdes

In addition to being one of the most-loved Marian shrines worldwide, Lourdes is also linked to an important page in the history of Opus Dei: the escape from one part of Spain to another that St. Josemaría made through the Pyrenees in 1937 with some of the first members of the Work and other people during the Spanish Civil War.

Stories from His Life

Make a Virtual Pilgrimage #StayHome

Making a pilgrimage to Our Lady in May has a long history in the Church. This year, although we may not be able to travel physically to these places, we can still do so in our hearts... and with a little help from technology.
