Number of articles: 5192

"Enter into Christ with your whole life"

Video message of Pope Francis to young people for the centenary of Saint John Paul II's birth.

From the Church and the Pope

"What more can I do?"

As we face a global health crisis, we may find ourselves feeling helpless or at a loss about the best ways to respond or react. What difference can one person really make to improve such a complex situation? The example of Joanna from Singapore shows that knowledge of one’s personal circumstances, a network of good friends, and a bit of initiative can go a long way.

Personal testimonies

Science and Faith During the Pandemic

Why didn't Jesus come down from the Cross with a miracle? Why is God allowing this pandemic? Rev. Professor Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti reflects on the relationship between science and faith and the existential questions raised by the events of recent months.

Fostering Interior Life

May 18: Feast of Blessed Guadalupe

Besides being her feast day, May 18th is the first anniversary of the beatification of Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri.


Saint Josemaria's Prayer Before Our Lady of Guadalupe

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz speaks about Saint Josemaria's pilgrimage in May 1970 to Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico to pray for the Church and the whole world.

From the Prelate

Letter from the Prelate (15 May 2020)

As the lockdown begins to be lifted in many places, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz encourages us to show others the attractiveness of being Christ's disciple with our own lives.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Pilgrimage to Fatima

May 13th is the feast of Our Lady of Fatima. The message of Fatima contains a wake-up call for all Christians: to make reparation to our Lord for all the sins of mankind, including our own, to do penance, to pray the Rosary, to spread devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and to pray a lot for the Pope.

Stories from His Life

14 May 1970: Heading to Mexico

On his way to Mexico 50 years ago, Saint Josemaria landed at the Madrid airport on 14 May 1970. Some journalists were eager to interview him there. Javier Ayesta, who accompanied him that afternoon, tells us what happened during those hours.

Stories from His Life

Webcam: Pray by Blessed Alvaro's Tomb

May 12th is the liturgical feast day of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo. On Tuesday, from 6 pm to 8 pm Rome time (GMT+2), a webcam will offer live streaming of Blessed Alvaro's tomb, in the crypt of the prelatic church of Our Lady of Peace.


"Prayer is the most intimate mystery of our being"

In his 13 May General Audience, Pope Francis continued his catechesis on prayer. He also highlighted the feast of Our Lady of Fatima and said he would offer a special Mass on 18 May for the 100th anniversary of Saint John Paul II's birth.

From the Church and the Pope