“You have failings - and such failings!”
Do not become alarmed or discouraged to discover that you have failings - and such failings! Struggle to uproot them. And as you do so, be convinced that it is even a good thing to be aware of all those weaknesses, for otherwise you would be proud. And pride separates us from God. (The Forge, 181)
“Lord, I really do want to be a saint”
Don't let your life be barren. Be useful. Make yourself felt. Shine forth with the torch of your faith and your love. With your apostolic life, wipe out the trail of filth and slime left by the corrupt sowers of hatred. And set aflame all the ways of the earth with the fire of Christ that you bear in your heart. (The Way, 1)
“Seeking him, finding him, getting to know him, loving him”
Interior life is strengthened by a daily struggle in your practices of piety, which you should fulfil - or rather which you should live - lovingly, for the path we travel as children of God is a path of Love. (The Forge, 83)
“The Cross, the Holy Cross, is heavy”
When you celebrated the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross you asked Our Lord, with the most earnest desire of your heart, to grant you his grace so as to “exalt'' the Holy Cross in the powers of your soul and in your senses. You asked for a new life; for the Cross to set a seal on it, to confirm the truth of your mission; for the whole of your being to rest on the Cross! We shall see... (The Forge, 517)
“Off to a fresh start!”
If you are convinced of your "poor quality" - if you know yourself - you will react to events supernaturally. Joy and peace will take a firmer root in your soul, in the face of humiliations, being despised, calumnies ... If these cases, after saying fiat - Lord, whatever you want - you should think: "Is that all he said? He obviously does not know me, otherwise he wouldn't have left it at that."
“A deep examination of conscience”
Take a good look at the way you behave. You will see that you are full of faults that harm you and perhaps also those around you. Remember, my child, that microbes may be no less a menace than wild beasts.
“Knowing how to overcome yourself every single day”
To do great mortifications some days, and nothing on others, is not the spirit of penance. The spirit of penance means knowing how to overcome yourself every single day, offering up both great and small things for love, without being noticed. (The Forge, 784)
“In our life we will find vigour and victory and depression and defeat”
If you are faithful you will be able to count yourself a conqueror. Even though you may lose some battles in your life, you will not know defeat. You can be sure that there is no such thing as failure if you act with purity of intention and with a desire to fulfill the Will of God. And then, whether you win or lose, you will always triumph in the end, because you will have carried out your work with Love. (The Forge, 199)
“Do not enter into dialogue with temptation”
You wade into temptations, you put yourself in danger, you fool around with your sight and with your imagination, you chat about ... stupidities. And then you are anxious that doubts, scruples, confusion, sadness and discouragement might assail you. You must admit that you are not very consistent. (Furrow, 132)
“Wanting, without really wanting: that is your attitude”
Wanting, without really wanting: that is your attitude as long as you don't put the occasion firmly aside. Don't try to fool yourself telling me you are weak. You are... a coward, which is not the same thing. (The Way, 714)