“He calls each and every one to holiness”
Prayer is not the prerogative of monks; it is a Christian undertaking of men and women of the world who know themselves to be children of God. (Furrow, 451)
“Don't create needs for yourself”
Don't forget it: he has most who needs least. Don't create needs for yourself. (The Way, 630)
“We children of God have to be contemplatives”
I will never share the opinion - though I respect it - of those who separate prayer from active life, as if they were incompatible. We children of God have to be contemplatives: people who, in the midst of the din of the throng, know how to find silence of soul in a lasting conversation with Our Lord, people who know how to look at him as they look at a Father, as they look at a Friend, as they look at someone with whom they are madly in love. (The Forge, 738)
“Oh blessed perseverance of the donkey that turns the water-wheel”
It would not be worth giving oneself unless it were to build up a great work which is very much for God -- your own sanctity. That is why the Church when canonizing saints proclaims the heroism of their lives. (Furrow, 611)
“Giving is a vital need for those in love.”
Your talents, your personality, your opportunities... are being wasted: you are not allowed to make full use of them. Meditate well these words of a spiritual writer: 'The incense offered to God is not wasted. Our Lord is more honoured by the immolation of your talents than by the vain use of them.' (The Way, 684)
Commentary on the Gospel: All Saints
Gospel for the Solemnity of All Saints (Cycle A), and commentary.