Number of articles: 835

Blessed Alvaro Added to Shrine Painting

On 2 October 2016, the Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Nichols, blessed a painting of Our Lady of Willesden to which had been added the figure of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo following his beatification in September 2014.

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Sending via the web page favors received

Those who have died with a reputation for holiness can intercede for us before God. An online form can now be used to send news of any favors received.

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"We are a family that is never separated"

Msgr. Francisco Ugarte, regional Vicar of Opus Dei in Mexico, celebrated the Mass in Guadalajara for the eternal rest of the eleven women of Opus Dei who died in a recent accident.

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Priestly Ordinations in Torreciudad

On September 4, in the shrine of Torreciudad, Bishop Javier Echevarria ordained six new priests, Associate members of the Prelature.

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Confession "Made Easy"

Pope Francis has wished to place the sacrament of Confession at the center of the Jubilee of Mercy. Many people in the parish of Our Lady Queen of Peace in Dublin, Ireland, have found this simple and clear graphic guide helpful for going to the sacrament of God's mercy.

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Interview with Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz

"Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, the first Auxiliary Vicar in the history of Opus Dei, welcomed me into his home at the Opus Dei headquarters in Rome. We talked about what being Auxiliary Vicar means with regard to the governance of Opus Dei, in the context of the 41st anniversary of the Founder’s death, Sunday June 26, 2016.

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​“Saint Josemaría had a special gift in leading men and women into a form of holiness which would become fruitful through a life lived within the realities of daily life”

Homily of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin, at a Mass in honour of St Josemaría Escrivá at the parish church of Our Lady, Queen of Peace, 25th June 2016.

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Reflecting on "Laudato si" in Shrine of Torreciudad

At an international seminar held in the shrine of Torreciudad, scientists and religious leaders from 15 countries and 8 religious faiths have discussed the role that science and religion can play in caring for the environment.

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Up-close View of University of Navarra

Intrigued by "The Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College" recommendation of this university for Americans, journalist Adam Wilson recently visited it and gives his impressions.

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Video Summary of Priestly Ordinations

A 6 minute video with highlights from the ordination of 27 priests in Rome on April 23. With scenes from the get-together with the Prelate of Opus Dei after the ceremony.

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