
A new website is available with articles in English about the history of Opus Dei. The first three articles discuss Opus Dei's growth in England, the U.S. and Australia.

A new website has been created about the history of Opus Dei and its development around the world.

Since its founding in 1928, numerous articles in academic journals have been published about Opus Dei and its founder Saint Josemaria Escriva. But these resources have not always been easy to find.

Now the St. Josemaría Institute, based in Chicago, has established a new website, opusdeihistory.org, to make a selection of those articles more easily available to historians and other readers in the English-speaking world.

The website has been launched with its first three articles, exploring the history of Opus Dei in Australia, England and the United States. All articles can be downloaded in Word, PDF and ePub formats.

The currator of the opusdeihistory.org website will be John F. Coverdale, a professor emeritus of law at Seton Hall University. He is the author of three books and several articles about the history of Opus Dei, including "Uncommon Faith: The Early Years of Opus Dei, 1928-1943."