Number of articles: 835

Growing on the "Inside"

With the spread of the coronavirus, authorities in many countries are asking citizens to reduce social activity as much as possible and to remain at home. This article offers a few ideas on how to face this extraordinary situation.

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Saint Josemaria in "Unleash the Gospel"

In the Archdiocese of Detroit's evangelization program "Unleash the Gospel," Saint Josemaria is one of the saints held up as an example of how to make the Gospel message part of one's daily life.

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"I have been saving up for the past five years"

The first Associate member of Opus Dei in Africa to be ordained a priest celebrated his first Solemn Mass at his home town in central Kenya.

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14 February 2020: A Path Traveled by Many

On 14 February 1930, Saint Josemaria saw that God wanted to give the vocation to Opus Dei to many women. Since then, many have taken up this path all over the world.

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Brave, Passionate, and Full of Faith

Inma Alva, a historian investigating Opus Dei's beginnings, talks about the first women members: “What stands out is their capacity for great undertakings, their passion, and their enormous faith in the face of difficulties.”​

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"I march to show that pro-life is pro-women"

Catalina Scheider Galiñanes, a junior at Oakcrest School, addressed the 2020 March for Life Rally in Washington D.C. on Friday, January 24.

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Thomas Aquinas' Love for the Truth

For the feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas on 28 January, here are some paragraphs from Saint John Paul II's encyclical "Fides et Ratio" on Thomas Aquinas' great love for the truth.

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Pedro Ballester’s Graduation

Pedro Ballester was a British numerary who died of cancer in January 2018 aged 21. Six months later he was awarded a Masters’ Degree from Manchester University posthumously. On the second anniversary of his death we publish an account of the graduation ceremony written by a friend who attended it.

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Reading the "Fifth Gospel"

Saint Jerome called the land where Jesus lived the "fifth Gospel." Martin and Jernej, university students in Germany, recount highlights from their recent visit to the Holy Land and the Saxum Visitor Center.

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Oakcrest To Lead 47th Annual March for Life

Oakcrest School, in Vienna VA, has been chosen to lead the 47th Annual March for Life that will take place in Washington D.C., on January 24, 2020.

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