Rethinking Christianity in Estonia

After working daily for a year with Opus Dei members in Tallinn, Estonia, Mari Vivian sent us the following account.

'I’ve discovered so many beautiful and amazing things, which I had never dreamed of before.'

I have been working for a year in the administration of an Opus Dei center in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. For me this has been a very enriching experience, both professionally and personally. And I have also learned a lot about the Christian faith.

To begin, I should probably point out that I had serious prejudices against the Catholic Church and against Opus Dei in particular. 

I was greatly influenced by what I learned at school in this post-Soviet period, both in history and civics courses: about religious wars where the faith was imposed by fire and the sword, about the sale of indulgences, and about the Church and its power structures. And I had almost no other knowledge about the Catholic Church.

Ever since I started working at the Opus Dei center, I’ve discovered so many beautiful and amazing things, which I had never dreamed of before.

I was first impressed by the patience and friendliness of my work companions who were in Opus Dei. I was even more impressed by their deep convictions, which showed a seamless love and trust in God.

I didn’t discover this all at once, but little by little, gradually. In the beginning I could not believe that my Catholic companions could be so close to God. But one could see it day by day, by the way they worked and spoke about Jesus.

'During these months I have learned to work and how to do it with love and dedication.'

During these months I have learned to work and how to do it with love and dedication. Or at least I have seen how it can be done.

In regard to the faith I have been able to appreciate things with a more open perspective, with greater confidence and respect. My life and my relationship to the others has changed and this is above all a work of God. I also think that Opus Dei has played its part.

I appreciate Opus Dei. In our little country this institution is like a ray of light.

By quietly doing their everyday tasks, the members of Opus Dei give a marvelous example which is a support and hope for many people.

Mari Vivian