Novena for Forgiveness

With quotes from Saint Josemaria and going to his intercession, this novena prepared by Fr. Francisco Faus asks for the grace to learn how to forgive others. It can be downloaded in pdf, epub and mobi format.

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From Pope Francis, Angelus, September 15, 2013:

“Jesus is all mercy, Jesus is all love: he is God made man . . . He is a patient father, always waiting for us! He respects our freedom, but he remains faithful forever. And when we come back to him, he welcomes us like children into his house, for he never ceases, not for one instant, to wait for us with love. And his heart rejoices over every child who returns. He is celebrating because he is joy. God has this joy, when one of us sinners goes to him and asks his forgiveness.

“If in our heart there is no mercy, no joy of forgiveness, we are not in communion with God, even if we observe all of his precepts, for it is love that saves, not the practice of precepts alone. It is love of God and neighbour that brings fulfilment to all the Commandments. And this is the love of God, his joy: forgiveness. He waits for us always! Maybe someone has some heaviness in his heart: ‘But I did this, I did that...’ He expects you! He is your father: he waits for you always! . . .

“Jesus calls us all to follow this path: ‘Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful’ (Lk 6:36). I now ask of you one thing. In silence, let's all think... everyone think of a person with whom we are annoyed, with whom we are angry, someone we do not like. Let us think of that person and in silence, at this moment, let us pray for that person and let us become merciful to that person.”