“Faith was always present in my life, but I was trying to practice it alone and little by little falling into tepidity. Besides that, I lived in a society of many faiths, and my own convictions became confused and diluted in my effort to be open and agreeable.
“Josemaría Escrivá helped me clarify my faith; by attending the means of formation offered by the Opus Dei Prelature, I began to understand and appreciate more deeply the graces we receive in the sacraments of Penance and Communion.
“Our Mother Mary and the Communion of the Saints were other sources of which I had been unaware. All of this brought me to accept joyfully my son’s handicap, which I recognized as a gift from God.
“The key to everything is the universal call to holiness. Our Lord asks everyone, without exception, to correspond to His grace. He asks us to practice the virtues of children of God according to each one’s personal situation. If we can only come to see our work, our crosses, our ordinary duties as means to holiness, what a change it would make in us and in our surroundings!”