What attracted you to Opus Dei?
As André Frossard said: “God exists: I have met him” ... thanks to Opus Dei! Everyone is called to meet Him. For me it is in the middle of the world, in the midst of my work, in Abidjan, that this marvelous adventure began. An invitation card on the notice board of the engineering school where I was teaching offered a course on the Christian faith. Like all the courses offered by Opus Dei, it was excellent. Carefully structured and rational, it didn’t play on your emotions but appealed to your intellect. It was scientific!
The emotions come in your prayer afterwards, in your personal dialogue with God.
What has changed in your life thanks to being in Opus Dei?
Nothing! I am still immersed 100% in the same activities as before: work, the military, my family, hobbies. But deep down everything has changed. Wounded in childhood by the divorce of my parents, I was able to overcome it and even give thanks to God for this ordeal that opened my eyes. And here we are 30 years later, with a big family, beautiful children, and even grandchildren! The discovery of marriage as God wills it has filled us with great joy. Educational courses shared with many other couples has also enriched us. This is also Opus Dei: to learn, pray and spread joy wherever you are.
How do you sanctify your work?
Every Swiss knows how to work well: to work carefully, efficiently and rapidly. But these qualities often seem wasted. As a Christian, we add respect, good humor, being positive and understanding... love! I think sanctifying work means putting the person in first place. But that’s not all! A friend to whom I spoke about the sanctity of stopping at red lights replied rapidly: and what about yellow lights? So putting the person in first place is all well and good, but much better is putting God in first place.