Number of articles: 5

"Never forget where you come from"

Monick Tello is a Peruvian numerary who moved to Stockholm, Sweden seventeen years ago. She writes about her experience at World Youth Day in Lisbon this summer and how the Pope's invitation to acknowledge our roots inspired her.

Finding God Through Beauty

Barbara, who was born in a non-practicing Lutheran family, found her way to God through the beauty of music and nature.

"In Sweden, we Catholics are a small family"

Maria Bäärnhielm relates some of her experiences teaching catechism in Sweden. There are many conversions to Catholicism each year and young people are eager to learn more about the faith.

Ulf and Birgitta: "Be an example!"

Ulf and Birgitta have recently embraced the Catholic faith. Last April they met Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz in Stockholm, during the Prelate’s pastoral visit to Sweden.

Prelate's Pastoral Visit to Sweden

"Prayer is the most powerful weapon we have for building up the Church,” Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz said during his four-day pastoral visit to Stockholm, where he greeted Cardinal Arborelius and met with faithful and friends of the Prelature.

From the Prelate