Number of articles: 21

Isabel Sánchez and Opus Dei: “Deepening in the charism, rectifying, and dreaming of sowing good”

The path to the Centenary has sparked a process of reflection, seen in the recently concluded Regional Assemblies held around the world. In this conversation with Isabel Sánchez, secretary of the Central Advisory, she shares some of the key topics discussed.

Recent News

Jacinta, USA: "I never felt like people expected me to be a certain way"

When Jacinta moved from Trinidad to Boston for college, she knew what dreams she had for her life. In this video, she describes the long process of discovering God's dreams for her and deciding to become a numerary assistant in Opus Dei.

One by One

Inma, Spain: "Every decision has helped me understand who I am and where I belong"

Inma lives in Valencia and is the second of seven siblings. She was an assistant numerary of Opus Dei for a time. After a period of reflection and prayer, she realized that her place was elsewhere: “It was very hard for me because I love the assistant numerary vocation deeply.”

One by One

Abi, Australia: "My life was full of stuff, but I wasn't fully happy"

Abi grew up in Perth, in western Australia. There she studied Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, and developed a lot of hobbies, which, however, did not fulfil her completely: “So, I had all this time and had all this money and all these opportunities. But I felt like I was wasting my time... Well, not wasting my time, but wasting my life!”

One by One

Ana Cecilia, Brazil: "I discovered that my dream could be multiplied"

From her childhood in Curitiba to her commitment to Opus Dei, Ana Cecília has travelled a path of self-discovery. Through medicine and her relationship with God, she found her purpose: to transform lives and fulfil her dream of motherhood by serving others.

One by One

Junior candidates in Opus Dei

In the Prelature of Opus Dei, junior candidates are people between fourteen and a half and sixteen and a half years old who, seeking to respond to a call from the Lord, have expressed their desire to join the Prelature when they reach the required age.

Opus Dei

"Fragility makes us human"

In his 4 January general audience, Pope Francis concluded his cycle of catechesis on spiritual discernment, speaking about spiritual accompaniment.

Catechesis on Discernment

A collection of Pope Francis’ audiences on discernment (2022-2023), downloadable as a free eBook.

"Keep going forward, courageously and joyfully!"

In his 21 December general audience, Pope Francis continued his cycle of catechesis on spiritual discernment, speaking about aids for the exercise of discernment.

"Keep watch over your heart"

In his 14 December general audience, Pope Francis continued his cycle of catechesis on spiritual discernment, speaking about vigilance.