St. Josemaria: Tips For Getting Along
In his preaching, the "saint of ordinary life" often made small suggestions on how to get along with others. Here is a selection of his ideas that could help at this time.
Confession: A God Who Runs to Meet Us
During these days of quarantine, most of us find it very difficult to go to confession. Perhaps a return to normalcy is still far off, but the moment God sees that we are repentant, He hurries towards us, excited and proud that we are returning home.
Plenary Indulgences and Possible Collective Absolution in Time of Emergency
The Apostolic Penitenciary has announced that "the gift of special Indulgences is granted to the faithful suffering from COVID-19 disease, commonly known as Coronavirus, as well as to health care workers, family members and all those who care for them in any capacity, including through prayer." It also reminds the faithful of the possibility of collective absolution in times of emergency.
Going to Mass Online? 6 Tips
It may be physically impossible for some of us to go to a church over the next few weeks. But you can still follow the Mass through digital means. Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind.
Spiritual Communions: The Longings in God’s Heart
During these days, in many places throughout the world the public celebration of the Eucharist has been suspended. But we can still make many spiritual Communions throughout the day to express our impatient love.
Pope Francis Prays for an End to the Pandemic
Pope Francis left the Vatican on Sunday to visit two important pilgrimage sites in Rome to pray for the world in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak.
Connected Amid the Quarantine
In Italy, the coronavirus has caused a lot of suffering as well as a lot of boredom. Some young people are connecting electronically to support one another during these exceptional circumstances.
Growing on the "Inside"
With the spread of the coronavirus, authorities in many countries are asking citizens to reduce social activity as much as possible and to remain at home. This article offers a few ideas on how to face this extraordinary situation.
Suggestions from the Prelate for Confronting the Coronavirus Emergency
Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz offers some practical guidelines for confronting this extraordinary situation. "The Communion of Saints leads us to make our own what affects the others, because 'if one member suffers, all suffer with him.'"