Number of articles: 59

Our Family in Corona Time

Richard and Maria Büchsenmeister live in Jeging in Upper Austria. The two supernumeraries have a lot of experience in offering guidance to other families. No wonder, since they have 12 children themselves.

Prayer Booklet to Accompany the Sick

This free booklet provides helpful reading and prayers for family and caregivers of those who are dying or gravely ill. Quotes from the saints - especially St. Josemaria - can help the person to prepare well for their encounter with the Lord.

Letter from the Prelate (1 April 2020)

With Holy Week only a few days away and amid so much suffering, Monsignor Fernado Ocáriz invites us to look at Christ on the Cross, who is the source of our hope.

A God Who Lets Things Happen? The Mystery of Evil and Suffering

Why does God allow evil? What is the meaning of suffering? Although these are mysteries we will never fully comprehend, the light of faith enables us to grasp at least part of their meaning.

Caring for the Elderly When They Need It Most

"As I delved deeper into the reality of aging (some of which I gleaned through caring for my own family) certain unmet needs became more apparent to me." An attorney shares how and why she founded a homecare agency for the elderly.

What is a Plenary Indulgence? #Covid-19

Plenary indulgences can be obtained in many ways for the duration of the coronavirus epidemic. Along with a simple explanation, here is the text of the decree of the Apostolic Penitentiary, which explains it in detail.

Recent News

Message from Msgr. Frederick Dolan, Vicar of Opus Dei for Canada

The news we receive these days make us feel a deep sense of solidarity with everyone experiencing hardships.

Recent News

Full Text of Pope Francis' "Urbi et Orbi" Meditation

"It is a time to get our lives back on track with regard to you, Lord, and to others," Pope Francis said in his address prior to presiding over the Eucharistic Adoration and then imparting an extraordinary 'Urbi et Orbi' blessing from Saint Peter's Square.

​He Accompanied Over a Thousand People at their Death

An article published in ‘El Mundo’ about Fermin, a supernumerary of the Prelature who spent over 20 years working as a volunteer at the Laguna Hospice Care Center in Madrid, and who died last week due to the coronavirus.

In the news

Snow-covered Volcanos: Saint Josemaria's Confinement During Wartime

A brief history of the months Saint Josemaria spent in forced confinement amid the Spanish Civil War, with excerpts from the meditations he preached during those days.