Number of articles: 139

"Make friends with your children"

A young father asks Saint Josemaria about how to "face this dilemma" we all have with regard to balancing work and family.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

St. Josemaría: the Holy Spirit in our Daily Life

The Holy Spirit dwells inside us. He accompanies us in our daily life, helping us to grow and improve.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

St. Josemaría: “That’s How I Speak with Him”

On the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, St. Josemaría was asked how to love our Lord more. With all simplicity he spoke about his own way of doing so.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

When Children Rebel

Children can often cause their parents to worry. St. Josemaría relates two stories from his own family to show that sometimes what’s needed is understanding and trust on the part of parents (2:38).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

St. Josemaría: "A Teacher's Main Virtue"

In 1972 St. Josemaría met with a group of high school teachers. "What is the most important virtue for a teacher?", he is asked (00’52’’).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

"How could I not bless human love?"

“I bless human love with both of my hands as a priest,” said St. Josemaría. He also recommended that spouses argue as little as possible and always make up at the end, asking one another for forgiveness (2:32).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

St. Josemaría: “Cultured” by dealing with God

In Seville (Spain), St. Josemaría conversed with a man from the country: “Work makes us brothers,” the saint told him. The farmer’s culture, not learned from books, enabled him to get very close to God.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

St. Josemaría: "Let your heart go"

When speaking with God, St. Josemaría advised, “don’t choose your words. Just as when you speak with your wife and your children, or with people you love… Let your heart go” (2’42”).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

“Broken, but still of use”

Even a broken soup bowl was a topic for St. Josemaría’s prayer. He said he was like a soup bowl, broken by sin and repaired—thanks to confession—to continue serving sound nourishment to others (1:58).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

St. Josemaría: Dialogue with a Quechuan Indian Woman

Condoray is a social project in Peru that gives occupational training to rural women, teaching them to sew, to raise crops, to run a small shop.... In this video a Quechuan woman tells St. Josemaría that her friends laugh at her because she goes to Mass (Video: 01’44”).

Pray with Saint Josemaría