Number of articles: 139

St. Josemaria: “So little time to love”

Sickness or setbacks can make us protest and complain to God. St. Josemaria invites us to trust God, who “is much more than even a good mother.” (01’46”)

Pray with Saint Josemaría

St. Josemaria: Freedom for our Children

St. Josemaría always spoke a lot about freedom: granting it, defending it, knowing how to use it. Here he is asked: “How can we harmonize freedom and authority in raising our children?” (0’55”).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Mr Jose Escriva's business collapses

Mr Jose Escriva was Josemaria's dad. His business collapsed, and he had to take a job in Logroño. The family moved there in 1915. This segment is from an animated film on St. Josemaría's early life.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Audios of Opus Dei founder

Audio files of St Josemaria’s voice, speaking in Spanish about the family, how to pray, presence of God when working, and Opus Dei. Songs and carols.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

St. Josemaría: The best way to serve

Christ encouraged us to help others in such a way that only God knows. St. Josemaría repeats that message here (0’37”).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

St. Josemaría: At the Hour of Death

Death is hard, St. Josemaría admits, but it is the step that opens the doors of life. And so we Christians can face death with hope (00:52’’).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

St. Josemaría: How can we live if we aren’t in love?

Without love, life wouldn’t be worth living. Therefore St. Josemaría counseled: “Fall madly in love,” both when our love is in heaven and when it’s on earth (0’58”).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

My greatest love: a Jew

A practical demonstration of interreligious dialogue. Video (0’48’’)

Pray with Saint Josemaría

St. Josemaría: Caring for the Sick

Those who care for the sick have an opportunity to live charity and to exercise patience.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

“Jesus, here is John the Milkman”

When St. Josemaria was a young parish priest, there was a milkman who entered his Church every morning for a few seconds. “Jesus, here is John the milkman.” To the young priest, that prayer seemed simple and beautiful (Weekly Video: 01’21’’).

Pray with Saint Josemaría