Number of articles: 139

Finding Peace in the Heart of Christ

A homily given by St Josemaria on 17 June 1966, published in ‘Christ Is Passing By’.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

St. Josemaría: Devotion to St. Joseph

The Founder of Opus Dei saw in St. Joseph the strong and affectionate father that Christ wanted on earth. He asked St. Joseph to teach him how to stay close to Mary and to Jesus: “How he would have embraced the Child, and kissed him!”

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Then I began to work better

Manuel is a hairdresser and lives in Peru. In this short video he tells how St Josemaria's message changed his work and family life.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

St Josemaria at the Moncloa Students Residence in Madrid

A former student of the Moncloa students' residence in Madrid, Spain, re-lives his memories from a get-together there in 1972, with St Josemaria and other students.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Saint Josemaria in Madrid

It is now 40 years since Saint Josemaria's visit to Madrid during his catechetical trip to Spain and Portugal, in 1972.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

The Eucharist: "I believe that You are here."

Barcelona, 1972. St Josemaria reminds us that Jesus is present in the Eucharist. Praying before the tabernacle with that attitude means making an act of faith.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

The Mysteries of our Faith

Living a life of faith does not mean we understand everything, because human reason is limited and God's wisdom is infinite. St Josemaria talked about this in Santiago, Chile, July 7, 1974.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

How can we help the Church?

St Josemaria explains that when one of the baptized tries to be better, through the Communion of Saints he or she is doing good to the whole Church.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

"Praying when you don't feel like it"

A young woman asks St. Josemaria: "If I pray when I don't feel like it, is it really prayer?" Here is his answer.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Public relations on earth and in heaven

A mother and housewife who also works in public relations asks how to live in God's presence. - Father, I'm a mother and a housewife, but I also work in public relations. My question is: Here in Sao Paulo, where life can be quite frenetic, there's the danger of becoming material-minded. How can we keep our supernatural outlook amidst all the rush?

Pray with Saint Josemaría