Juan, Mexico: "A bricklayer who loves what he does isn't just another face in the crowd"
What's the secret of happiness? Google gives you 501,000,000 results in 0.84 seconds. Everyone is looking for the answer. Juan has been working as a construction worker for fifty years and lives in the city of Guadalajara, Mexico. He claims to have found his answer. This is his secret.
María, Spain: "My life is full of challenges, but I've never stopped fighting or smiling"
Maria is studying medicine at the university. She is cheerful, enjoys life, has many siblings, and many more friends. At first glance, it seems a life to envy. Nevertheless, like everyone, Maria also has her Achilles heel.
Eloisa, Spain: "Real love always leaves a trace"
In March 2018, Eloisa was just leaving Mass on Sunday when she heard a faint cry: “Elitoo…” She turned around and saw her husband, Manolo, who had suddenly begun feeling dizzy. They brought him to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and an aggressive bone metastasis, and was told he didn’t have long to live.
Fr. José, Spain: "Essential services"
The chaplain-engineer of the Laguna Care Hospital's death was linked to that of his friend Fermín, who had been widowed some time ago and passed away from coronavirus. Before arriving at Laguna, he was the general chaplain of the National Police. He died on 31 March, surrounded by the sorrow of a legion of healthcare workers and friends who were unable to say their final goodbyes, and who pay tribute to him in this video.
Francisco and Jonnatan, Puerto Rico: "Faith helps me look at the world with hope"
The D´Orville brothers live in Puerto Rico and are very different: Francisco is talkative, and Jonnatan is reflective; what one likes, the other doesn't. One day, Francisco invited Jonnatan to participate in a recollection, but he didn't attend because it was an invitation from his brother. Now, however, they've both grown closer to God, and they run a catechism course for friends and a youth club for their children together. Their sense of mission brought them together.