Number of articles: 55

Inma, Spain: "Every decision has helped me understand who I am and where I belong"

Inma lives in Valencia and is the second of seven siblings. She was an assistant numerary of Opus Dei for a time. After a period of reflection and prayer, she realized that her place was elsewhere: “It was very hard for me because I love the assistant numerary vocation deeply.”

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Abi, Australia: "My life was full of stuff, but I wasn't fully happy"

Abi grew up in Perth, in western Australia. There she studied Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, and developed a lot of hobbies, which, however, did not fulfil her completely: “So, I had all this time and had all this money and all these opportunities. But I felt like I was wasting my time... Well, not wasting my time, but wasting my life!”

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Laura, Spain: "I was a numerary for 25 years. I don't consider those years to have been wasted"

Laura, a doctor in Barcelona, was a numerary member of Opus Dei for 25 years. In 2020, after a long process of reflection, she decided to leave the Work. "The overall experience was positive, without a doubt; I don't consider those years to have been wasted at all," she says, highlighting the formation she received, the people she met, and the way she learned to live the virtues naturally.

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Heloiza, Brazil: "In gastronomy, I've found a way of serving and connecting with others"

Heloiza has been an assistant numerary of Opus Dei for 34 years. She was born in Lorena, but after her father was murdered in a robbery when she was 10 years old, her mother decided to move to São José dos Campos to be closer to her family. Her life has been marked by other painful events, including illness. She loves baking, and during the pandemic she started a business called "By Chef Helô." Her story is one of overcoming adversity.

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Carol, Brazil: "The Work became an extension of my family"

Caroline, 37 years old and originally from Osasco, comes from a family where her father is a hairdresser and her mother a maths teacher. She studied hospitality and did a specialisation course in the service sector. She says that her vocation to the Work as an assistant numerary makes her "a mother within Opus Dei," which means caring for people in every aspect of their being. "It has a spiritual impact as well, not just a material one."

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Bek, Australia: "No one can say that they've reached the summit of learning how to love people"

Rebekah, better known as Bek, is from Wollongong, Australia. Bek has many hobbies: she likes sailing, painting, reading, music and cooking. Her passion for cooking ended up being her field of professional development. The purpose of her work is to ensure that people know that they are loved, something that requires continuous learning: "I don't think anyone can say that they've reached the summit of learning how to love people."

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Kele, Argentina: "It's a gift from God to be able to enjoy what you have chosen"

Kele studied to be a gastronomy assistant and nutritionist. When she met Opus Dei, she says, "it was a real discovery, because I didn't know that, quite naturally, I could bring God into my things," even "outings I'd go on with friends."

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Dani, Bolivia: "Who doesn't have demands in life?!"

Dani describes herself as a very competitive person who always aspired to more in life. She still sets high goals for herself, but now her perspective has changed: "Opus Dei has totally changed my life, because it's given me a different perspective on why we are here in the world."

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Renata, Brazil: "God is calling me in the world, and that's where I find my vocation"

Biomedical scientist Renata Silvestre describes how her vocation is intertwined with her work in advanced cell therapy, battling cancer while living the spirit of Opus Dei in her daily life. In her story, science and faith are both sources of inspiration and reasons for commitment.

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Mirian, Brazil: "Like a GPS, God is recalculating your path"

Miriam, from Brazil, is 34 years old and is a gynaecologist and obstetrician. She is married and has a three-month-old son. She was an associate of Opus Dei for a time, until, after a period of reflection in which she always felt accompanied and understood, she saw that her path lay elsewhere.

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