Number of articles: 14

Documentary about Life of Father Joseph Muzquiz

A 55 minute video about Fr. Joseph Muzquiz, whose cause of canonization has been opened in Boston, and whose heroic example of holiness amid ordinary life impacted the lives of thousands of people around the world.

Other resources

"Everything changed when he met St. Josemaria"

An article by Philip Kosloski published in "Aleteia" about Fr. Joseph Muzquiz, whose cause of canonization was opened in Boston by Cardinal Sean O'Malley.


Who was Father Joseph Muzquiz?

An interview with historian John Coverdale about Father Joseph Muzquiz, whose cause of canonization was opened in Boston by Cardinal Sean O’Malley.

Life and Stories

Fr. Joseph Muzquiz: "He works fast"

An interview with the postulator for Fr. Joseph Muzquiz' cause of canonization. Fr. Dave Cavanagh testifies to a growing and widespread devotion to Fr. Joseph's very effective intercession, and the granting of many favors, especially to young people.


New Fr. Joseph Muzquiz Bulletin

A new issue of the bulletin for the cause of canonization of Fr. Joseph Muzquiz is now available in both pdf and print format.

Other resources

Father Joseph Muzquiz's Cause Advances

Remarks by Cardinal Sean O’Malley of Boston at the Closing of the Diocesan Phase of the Process of Canonization for Father Joseph Muzquiz on May 22. With Rome Reports video summary.

Diocesan Phase Concludes for Father Joseph Muzquiz’s Canonization Process

On May 22, Cardinal Seán O'Malley of Boston will preside over the closing session of the diocesan phase of the cause of canonization for Father Joseph Muzquiz.

Biography of Fr. Joseph

Fr. Joseph (José Luis Múzquiz de Miguel) was born in 1912 in Badajoz, Spain. He helped St. Josemaria spread Opus Dei to many countries, especially the United States.

Life and Stories

New Documentary Film about Fr. Joseph Muzquiz

A new biographical documentary about Father Joseph Muzquiz, whose cause of canonization was opened in Boston in 2011, is available through Scepter Publishers and Ignatius Press.

Other resources

Documentation for José Luis Múzquiz

Books and other documents related to Fr. Joseph and his cause of canonization

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