“Through the Mountains”: A New Comic Book about St. Josemaría

A new comic book about the founder of Opus Dei has been released simultaneously in seven languages: English, Spanish, French, Dutch, Italian, German, and Catalan.

It's 1928. On the outskirts of Madrid a group of children are engaged in an lively exchange with a young St. Josemaría as he teaches Catechism. From there a flashback takes the reader to the saint's childhood. Thus opens "Through the Mountains," the new biography of St.

Josemaría Escrivá, the first one to appear in comic book format.

This biography was printed in Belgium, a country known for a long tradition of high quality comic books. The text was written by Paule Fostroy, with artwork by J. Gillissen and E. Gabriel. The drawings combine simplicity of lines with vivid colors to a quasi photographic effect. The various scenes in Spanish cities and in Rome are recreated with meticulous care.

Some of the drawings can be viewed at Coccinelle Bande Dessinées.

At the same time as it tells the story of the St. Josemaría's life, this book tries to convey the fundamental message of his preaching, that of the sanctifying value of work and ordinary life.

The book is available in the US from Scepter Publishers.

In Canada it will be available at the end of November and can be ordered from Primary Educators at
