Prelate: Pray for priestly vocations

For the "Year of the Priesthood" convoked by Benedict XVI (beginning 19 June 2009), Bishop Javier Echevarría is asking us to pray that God bless the Church with many priestly vocations. Also some related bibliographical material.

This year marks the 150th anniver- sary of the death of the Curè of Ars.

"During the Year of the Priesthood declared by Pope Benedict XVI, let us beseech God our Lord for priestly vocations in the Church and for the sanctity of all priests. 

"While striving to grow in our understanding of the ministerial priesthood, which differs essentially from the common priesthood (cf. Vatican II, Dogm. Const. Lumen Gentium, no. 10), let us ask God that all the faithful may have a vibrant 'priestly soul,' and that we may know how to spread the joy of this gift to all the people we are in contact with." 

Bishop Javier Echevarría, Prelate of Opus Dei, 

June 1, 2009

LETTER OF BENEDICT XVI PROCLAIMING A YEAR FOR PRIESTS Bibliography (link to some of the suggested reference material)

 Among the many possible texts from Saint Josemaría, we highlight:

        — Homily, A Priest Forever;

        — Christ Is Passing By, no. 79;

        — Furrow, no. 499;

        — The Forge, no. 369.

 For the ministerial priesthood:

        — Vatican II, Decree Presbyterorum Ordinis;

        — John Paul II. Apost. Exhort. Pastores dabo vobis (March 25, 1992);

        — Benedict XVI: Homilies and addresses for the "Year of the Priesthood";

        — Álvaro del Portillo, On the Priesthood.