As usual on his catechetical trips, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz listened to people talking about their work and family life, and answered questions addressed to him.
For example, one person asked: “How can I help a friend of mine come closer to God?” The Prelate replied: “Normally to help people, what we have to do is pray more. Sometimes we may ask ourselves, what does this or that person need? What more can I do for them? And the answer is almost always the same: let us pray more.”

A young woman said she was finding it hard to make compatible her work outside the home with caring for her family. Monsignor Ocáriz said that, "This is a problem everyone encounters who has a lot to do, but we have to accept that we can’t always do everything we would like to."
"It can be helpful," the Prelate continued, "to establish a hierarchy of priorities: the family, in general, is the most important, but work too is necessary. Therefore an order has to be set up: when our day is ordered, we find time to do more things. It’s like packing a suitcase: if you just throw things in carelessly, not much will fit. So, order with flexibility."
One young fellow asked how we can bring our friends to the faith by using social media. The Prelate said that Saint Josemaria used to speak about "letter-writing apostolate". Although few people send written letters today, Whatsapp or emails can be very useful tools for keeping in contact with our friends: asking how they are doing, requesting prayers, greeting them on important anniversaries, etc.
"When there is sincere affection among friends, friendship will always be deep and true."