Number of articles: 4874

Bethlehem Ever Present in the Tabernacle

During the Christmas season, we see the Three Wise Men bringing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. What can we bring the Christ Child? We can offer him the work of all human activities.

When Men Cry

In 1972 a man lost his wife and son in an automobile accident. St. Josemaría wished to help him with some consoling words. Faced with such pain, St. Josemaría would ask God, “Why”? (Weekly Video 1’48’’).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Letter from the Prelate (January 2008)

In his monthly letter, Bishop Javier Echevarría reminds us that, while always respecting everyone’s freedom, we Christians have to transmit our faith by our example and word.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Christmas Carols

St Josemaría had very fond memories connected with the family’s Christmas celebrations. Together with his sister Carmen, he would help his father put up the Nativity scene. And the whole family sang Christmas carols together. Here there are mp3 versions of some of the songs used by St Josemaria for his prayer.

Pray with Saint Josemaría


In a note to a 1950 edition of The Way, Saint Josemaría promised readers a new book —Furrow—soon to be published. The material was written and organized into chapter headings; only the numbering of the points of meditation and a stylistic revision remained


Looking at the Crucifix

It is not always easy to think of God while we are working. A small crucifix on our desk can help us. This is what St. Josemaría did (Weekly video: 00’ 38”).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

International Conference in Rome for Church Communicators

Catholic Church communications officials from around the world will meet in Rome in April for a conference on how to spread the Church's message in an era of conflict and controversy.

Press releases and statements

The Juridical Mind of St. Josemaria Escriva

A Brief History of the Canonical Path of Opus Dei

Spe Salvi: encyclical on hope

Pope Benedict XVI’s second encyclical is on Christian hope. The title comes from St. Paul’s letter to the Romans: "in hope we were saved."

Recent News

Video: Finding God in daily life

God is a Father, St. Josemaría tells us, who is with us both in good and not so good times, when we laugh and when we cry (Weekly Video: 00'39'').

Pray with Saint Josemaría