a) Identity of the owner of this website

To comply with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, Ley de servicios de la sociedad de la información y de comercio electrónico (Law of Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce; hereinafter, LSSI), below is some general information about this Website:

Owner: Prelature of Opus Dei

Address: Calle Diego de León 14, 28006 - Madrid (Madrid - Spain)

Contact: info.es@opusdei.org or by phone +34 91 563 47 82

NIF (Tax ID Number): R2800621A

This website is registered under the name of the Prelature of Opus Dei.

To ensure that the Website meets criteria of transparency, clarity, and simplicity, the Prelature of Opus Dei informs the User that any suggestions or questions can be directed to the Prelature by telephone (+34 91 563 47 82) or email (info.es@opusdei.org).

The User agrees to make use of the services, products, and utilities offered by this Website in accordance with the Law, and in accordance with morality, accepted customs, and public order.

b) Purpose

The Prelature of Opus Dei provides the content and services that are available on this Website, subject to its published terms and its Privacy Policy.

Access to this Website or its use in any way makes one a "User" and implies the unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the published terms and the Privacy Policy. The Prelature of Opus Dei reserves the right to modify these terms and its Privacy Policy at any time. Consequently, it will be the responsibility of every User to carefully read the published terms and the current Privacy Policy; in the event that you disagree with any of the terms set forth herein, you must refrain from using this Website.

Likewise, the User is warned that, on occasion, Particular Conditions may be established for the use of specific contents and/or services on the Website. The use of said contents or services implies the acceptance of these specific Particular Conditions.

Política de privacidade e cookies


In compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, concerning the protection of natural persons in regard to the managing of personal data (General data protection regulation, RGPD ), we inform you that personal data, including photographs, appearing on this website may be processed by the Prelature of Opus Dei to attend to, handle and properly manage queries, comments, incidents or suggestions received, as well as for the following purposes: inform publicly about events and celebrations, attend to your requests for information, process requests to receive the newsletter or other subscriptions, and to ensure proper attention to our communications with you, as well as to keep you informed, in matters related to the specific purpose of Opus Dei, either by means of electronic devices or mobile devices.

Those who own information provided to this Website are informed and unequivocally and expressly agree that the Prelature of Opus Dei, as the entity responsible for the managing of personal information, will be able to use, assign and, where appropriate, internationally transfer this personal information, including photographs of the user, for its legitimate purposes, as may also persons and entities directly related or necessary for the fulfillment of the spiritual purposes of this Entity. The Prelature of Opus Dei, in accord with its legitimate interests, may use the information in ways that are strictly necessary for the internal administration and the statistical analysis of visits to this Website.

In keeping with our commitment to ensure people’s privacy, the Prelature of Opus Dei considers it a priority to maintain carefully the confidentiality of all the information that you may have entrusted to us and has the technical, organizational and human resources necessary to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to your data, and in all cases with full respect for your privacy.

We inform you that at any time you can exercise your right to access, rectify, delete and challenge your personal data, by sending a letter, accompanied by a copy of an official identification document, addressed to the Prelature of Opus Dei, Diego de León 14, 28006 - Madrid (Spain) or by email to dpo@opusdei.org.

Last modified: February 2020.


Because personal cookies are not used in the website, no cookie policy is included.

Os direitos autorais dos materiais publicados neste site dependem da origem de cada um:

- Textos do Santo Padre, de seus predecessores e, em general, do magistério da Igreja: © Libreria Editrice Vaticana

- Textos de São Josemaria: © Fundación Scriptor

- Textos do prelado do Opus Dei, dos seus predecessores, textos publicados na seção “Vida cristã” e outros textos publicados neste site que não foram contemplados nos pontos anteriores: © Fundación Studium

- Se não foi informado o contrário, as fotografias procedem de bancos de fotos protegidos por direitos autorais e cujos serviços foram contratados para esta página ou de autores que cederam o uso de suas imagens sob a licença Creative Commons. As imagens de caráter institucional estão protegidas por direitos autorais © Prelazia da Santa Cruz e Opus Dei.

Se deseja utilizar algum material desta página, por favor entre em contato com redaccion@opusdei.org. Está proibida a reprodução, distribuição e difusão dos meios audiovisuais, gravações, textos e fotografias sem a autorização expressa dos titulares desses direitos autorais.