Número de artículos: 8230

What are some of the key works of Opus Dei?

Questions and Answers with Father Michael Barrett. Duration of this video: 3:10

Opus Dei

How does one become a member of Opus Dei?

Questions and Answers with Father Michael Barrett. Duration of this video: (1:28)

Opus Dei

How did St. Josemaria name Opus Dei?

Questions and Answers with Father Michael Barrett. Duration of this video: (1:33)

Opus Dei

What is Opus Dei?

Video of Fr. Michael Barret giving a short explanation about Opus Dei. Duration: 3:52.

Opus Dei

What are the different ways of being a member of Opus Dei?

Questions and Answers with Father Michael Barrett. Duration of this video: (4:03)

Opus Dei

How is Opus Dei financially supported?

Questions and Answers with Father Michael Barrett. Duration of this video: 0:54

Opus Dei

How is penance and mortification practiced in Opus Dei?

Questions and Answers with Father Michael Barrett. Duration of this video: 2:15

Opus Dei

What is Opus Dei's apostolic mission?

Questions and Answers with Father Michael Barrett. Duration of this video: 2:28

Opus Dei

Why does Opus Dei stress personal prayer?

Questions and Answers with Father Michael Barrett. Duration of this video: 3:24

Opus Dei

What does Opus Dei provide for its members?

Questions and Answers with Father Michael Barrett. Duration of this video: (3:17)

Opus Dei