Number of articles: 39

Traditional Means of Formation

The traditional means of formation are part of the "training plan" Opus Dei offers young people to help them seek, find, and love Christ. You adapt the plan to your personal needs and circumstances.

Saint Raphael

Sometimes, distance happens

A short case study about close friends who grow apart when they enter the workforce. How do you decide when and how to fight for a friendship?

The World & I

What are you trying to prove?

A short case study about harmony and differing interests and personalities in family life.

The World & I

"There will always be differences of opinion"

Eunice (Philippines) talks about the importance of dialogue and open-mindedness in any friendship.

The World & I

Youth: A Space for Young People on the Opus Dei Website

Opus Dei Youth is now live on with new content for young people who want to impact society and grow closer to God.

Recent News

Youth: from young people, for young people

Youth is a new space on the Opus Dei website with content for young people, by young people. It includes personal testimonies from around the world, simple explanations to complex questions, material for prayer, and inspiration for everyday life.


"I'm as young as you"

St. Josemaria talking to young people then and now.

Saint Raphael


Young people in the Work share their vocation stories, from the discernment process to their doubts, hesitations, dreams, and current projects. This is a trailer for a series of short personal testimonies.

Saint Raphael

Friendship: sharing, understanding, loving

"A Christian’s friendship desires the greatest happiness—a relationship with Jesus Christ—for those close to him or her." Key ideas from the Prelate of Opus Dei's letter on friendship (November 2019).

The World & I