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For people who gave up social media for Lent. Mid design. No infinite scroll. Just content to help you walk the 40-day path to Holy Week and Easter.
What is Lent?
Lent is a season of conversion... so how can we walk this 40-day path to Easter authentically and intentionally?
Cecilia, Canada: "Through my work, people feel loved and valued"
Cecilia was born into a Catholic family in Ontario, Canada. The faith she received in her childhood is, to some extent, from her great-grandfather (the English intellectual Malcolm Muggeridge) and his tireless search for truth. The legacy Malcolm and his wife Kitty left their family was this spirit of inquiry and dedication. In her vocation to Opus Dei as an assistant numerary, Cecilia seeks to make people loved and valued through her professional work and to bring them closer to God.
Reading “The Way” for the first time
We asked seven young people to read ‘The Way,’ a book by St. Josemaria, and to choose their favourite points. In this video, Veronica Maria, Michele, Angelica, Giulia, Angelina, Roberto, and Federico tell us why they chose the points they did.
What is spiritual accompaniment? What do I talk about?
Some suggestions for people who want to start walking a path of spiritual accompaniment and are looking for a place to start, or for those who've already begun but aren't sure what to talk about.
Two Vocations: Celibacy & Matrimony
Both celibacy and marriage require complete self-giving. This is the third article in "Called to Love," a series on celibacy.
The Sacrament of Confirmation
Confirmation is much more than a mere commitment. Like the other sacraments, it has much more to do with God's action in us than our response.
An invitation to special intimacy with Christ
What's the meaning of apostolic celibacy? It's a call to love. This is the second article in "Called to Love," a series on celibacy.
"We needed to do more"
When war broke out in Ukraine, Paula and some of her friends decided that they had to do something to help the people suffering through it. This is the first of a series of videos about her experience.
What is the Rosary? How do you pray it?
What is the Rosary, exactly? An infographic detailing the meaning and origin of this prayer, and short guide on how to pray it.