Number of articles: 23

What is spiritual accompaniment? What do I talk about?

Some suggestions for people who want to start walking a path of spiritual accompaniment and are looking for a place to start, or for those who've already begun but aren't sure what to talk about.

The World & I

"We needed to do more"

When war broke out in Ukraine, Paula and some of her friends decided that they had to do something to help the people suffering through it. This is the first of a series of videos about her experience.

The World & I

Vocation: 14 Young People, 14 Stories

14 young people in Opus Dei share their vocation stories, talking about everything from their doubts and dreams to the discernment process and where they are now.

Saint Raphael

Seeing and Being Seen: Contemplation in the Middle of the World

Seeing God and knowing that you’re seen by Him means stepping into such a deep, intimate moment that words are unnecessary. You’re looking at someone you know perfectly, who knows you, and with whom you can share your deepest feelings and most personal joys. So here’s the million-dollar question: how do you get there?

For Prayer

The Vocation to Opus Dei Explained by Saint Josemaria

We're all called to be holy, but what does that mean, exactly? In this video, Saint Josemaria explains the call in his own words.

Saint Raphael

"No one suffers alone"

Javi is the younger brother of Pedro Ballester, a young man from Manchester who died of osteosarcoma at 21. This is the second part of a video interview with him.

The World & I

Dream Big, Start Small

God wants our help to transform the world "from within" and bring it to Him. But how?

The World & I

"The world needs people like you"

The founder of Opus Dei speaking to young people in a gathering in Brazil in 1974.

Saint Raphael

The Usefulness Trap

"To be useful, serve," Saint Josemaria wrote. What does that mean for Christians who want to make a difference in the world? How do we avoid the danger of perfectionism?

Saint Raphael

Do you need more time... or more order?

A day with only 24 hours in it feels a little impractical. There's never enough time for everything you have or want to do, and you wish you could hit pause to have some time to breathe and calm down. Where does that sense of hurry come from? There's no magic quick fix, but bringing a bit of order into life makes a big difference.

The World & I