Number of articles: 8

First Women Scientists Receive Guadalupe Scholarships

The first women scientists from Africa who carried out research thanks to the Guadalupe Scholarship Program sponsored by Harambee were Dalene Kembabazi from Uganda and Celine Tendobi from D.R.Congo.

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A "Pan-African" Apostolic Workshop

A group of Opus Dei faithful from various African countries met in Uganda recently to reflect on how to best confront challenges in spreading the faith in Africa today.

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In Congo: Health Care for the Most Vulnerable

Dr. Celine Tendobi is working with determination to improve health care for pregnant women at Monkole Hospital in Kinshasa. From an article published in "La Vanguardia."

Fleeing War to Find God: The Story of Jerome

Jerome hasn't had it easy in his life. This is how he presents himself: "I was born in the Congo and, since I was a child, my life has been marked by pain." Here is his story.

With an Adventurous Spirit

An article published in “Nuestro Tiempo” for the twenty-fifth anniversary of Monkole Hospital in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

23 February: Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace

Pope Francis has asked that Friday in the first week of Lent this year be marked by special prayer and fasting for peace, especially for the people in the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan.

A Glance at ISSI Nursing School in the Congo

Since 1997, the Higher Institute of Nursing Sciences (ISSI) has trained nurses to provide quality, personalized care for patients and their families. These interviews with those who organize and benefit from ISSI offer a closer glimpse. ISSI also receives financial support from Harambee International.

In the Congo Jungle, with the Pygmies

Claude, a faithful of the Prelature in the Congo, works for a European NGO. He shares his experience of several days spent with the pygmies, and reflects on the human and supernatural help the Christian faith can bring to them.