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“We are under an obligation to work, and to work conscientiously, with a sense of responsibility, with love and perseverance, without any shirking or frivolity. Because work is a command from God, and God is to be obeyed, as the Psalmist says, in laetitia, joyfully!” (St. Josemaria, The Forge no. 681).

Thank you, Lord, for my work. It’s not perfect, and sometimes I get frustrated with my colleagues or myself or the work itself… But it’s a way for me to collaborate with you in making the world better, and that’s amazing. You made the world and let me work with you on it; you saved the world and let me participate in your mission.

That’s true of all work, but I want to tell you about mine. These are my dreams for it… This is what I think we bring to society…

What am I looking for when I work or study: excitement, self-satisfaction, praise, perfection…? Do I measure myself by the things I do? How foolish, when I know that I’m your child and you’re never going to stop loving me.

But… When I work, am I loving you? That’s what I want to do, Lord, but when did I last offer my work to you? Do I ask you for help and thank you for things? When things are difficult, do I embrace the challenge for love of you?

And how do I work? I am your child, called to greatness, and that means acting greatly. How could I work better?

Will you increase my desire to make the world better? Will you help me take care of the people I serve and work with more directly?

I don’t always have to end my prayer with a resolution, but today I want to. I just examined my conscience about work. Which of the lights that you’ve shown me do you want me to hold on to most? What one thing can I do to love you more through my work over the next few days?