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I’m going to pray for something I’ve prayed for many times before. You already know what it is, but let me tell you again…

I wish you would answer my prayer right away. Why don’t you? Will you make the time I have to wait help me grow in faith? Is it reminding me how much I have to be grateful for? Is it making me more patient? Is it teaching me how to respond to other people’s requests? Is it deepening my desire for what I’m asking for?

I’m sure of one thing: asking you for this is helping me keep coming back to you in prayer. You’re drawing me closer to you. Thank you.

I trust that you always hear me, but I know that you don’t always give me what I want. I want to call the last time I asked you for something and you didn’t give it to me to mind… When I look back at it now, will you show me why? I trust that some good came from it, but was it something I can see?

You have answered my prayers before. I want to relive the memory of some of the times I’ve experienced your closeness, Lord, to strengthen my faith. Let me tell you about them…

You can do anything, so let me ask you again: please grant me what I’m praying for, and please keep me coming back to you. I never want to give up on my prayer.