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Here I am, Lord, with knots in my stomach and my head full of worry. Where does this anxiety come from?

It weakens my will, clouds my thinking, and twists my emotions, Father, and I don’t want that. But even when I’m unsteady, you’re steadfast. I am weak, but you are strong. How can I draw from your strength? Is there any worry I’m carrying that isn’t my problem to solve? Teach me how to lean on you.

Part of that means sharing my burdens. These are the specific things I’m worried about… And this is what I can tell you about my anxiety in general, which isn’t always tied to a concrete worry…

What could I do to face my fears? Is that what you want from me? Who can I ask for help? Is that what you want from me?

Am I too concerned about what people think of me? I know it doesn’t matter, but deep down I sometimes think I have to prove myself. I even worry about proving myself to you, Lord. But your love is unconditional and you already know all my weaknesses. Let me just take a minute to rest in your love for me…

I might not feel better at the end of this time of prayer (though I hope I do: Lord, please help me), but I’m not here just to ask you to change my feelings. What my anxiety is telling me is that I’m facing a challenge and I’m working myself up for it. I don’t like the feeling, but more importantly, I want to face the challenge with you. I can do anything with you.

One of Mary’s titles is “untier of knots.” Please, Mother, loosen the knot in my stomach, untangle my thoughts, and help me face this challenge together with your Son.