
More points to inspire your conversation with God:

  • As soon as you truly abandon yourself in the Lord, you will know how to be content with whatever happens. You will not lose your peace if your undertakings do not turn out the way you hoped, even if you have put everything into them, and used all the means necessary. For they will have “turned out” the way God wants them to.  FURROW, no. 860
  • When our vision is clouded, when our eyes have lost their clarity, we need to go to the light. And Jesus Christ has told us that he is the Light of the world and that he has come to heal the sick. —That is why your weaknesses and your falls — when God allows them — should not separate you from Christ, but rather draw you closer to him!  THE FORGE, no. 158
  • I thought of you and of myself. Of you, whom I did not know as yet, and of myself; of our daily tugging away at the rope, and of many things. If we come before God Our Lord like that child, convinced of our weakness yet ever prepared to second his plans, we shall more easily reach our goal. We shall haul the net onto the shore, bursting with an abundant catch, for the power of God reaches where our strength cannot.  FRIENDS OF GOD, no. 14
  • Don't be gloomy. Let your outlook be more 'ours', — more Christian.  THE WAY, no. 664