- Set all the bells ringing: The Work is born, once and again, with each person called to embody it in his or her own life: its setting is “the perennial ‘today’ of the risen Lord.”
- 3 short stories about the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross (podcast): The historian Santiago Martínez brings us an account of three early members of the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross — founded by Saint Josemaría in 1943 — to which more than 4,000 clerics around the world belong today.
- A Sign of Divine Providence (text): Excerpts from The Founder of Opus Dei: the Life of Josemaría Escrivá by A. Vazquez de Prada, about the double anniversary on 14 February.
- Meditation of the Prelate on the 90th anniversary of 14 February 1930 (audio and text): A meditation given by Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz in the Prelatic Church of Our Lady of Peace (14 February 2020, the 90th anniversary of the women's branch of Opus Dei).
- Meditation (text): Reflection to inspire prayer on the anniversary of these two foundational dates in Opus Dei.
Videos about the priesthood
- “A priest who loves Jesus Christ:” in a gathering with some priests, the founder of Opus Dei gives some advice on how priests in love with our Lord behave.
- The Priestly Society of the Holy Cross: on 14 February 1943, Saint Josemaría saw the canonical solution for the priests of the Work.