14 February: A Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving

On 14 February, St Josemaría understood that God was also calling women and priests to be and to do Opus Dei. Some resources to celebrate the double anniversary of the foundation of the women's branch of Opus Dei (14 February 1930) and the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross (14 February 1943).

  • Set all the bells ringing: The Work is born, once and again, with each person called to embody it in his or her own life: its setting is “the perennial ‘today’ of the risen Lord.”
  • 3 short stories about the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross (podcast): The historian Santiago Martínez brings us an account of three early members of the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross — founded by Saint Josemaría in 1943 — to which more than 4,000 clerics around the world belong today.
  • A Sign of Divine Providence (text): Excerpts from The Founder of Opus Dei: the Life of Josemaría Escrivá by A. Vazquez de Prada, about the double anniversary on 14 February.
  • Meditation of the Prelate on the 90th anniversary of 14 February 1930 (audio and text): A meditation given by Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz in the Prelatic Church of Our Lady of Peace (14 February 2020, the 90th anniversary of the women's branch of Opus Dei).
  • Meditation (text): Reflection to inspire prayer on the anniversary of these two foundational dates in Opus Dei.

Videos about the priesthood

  • “A priest who loves Jesus Christ:” in a gathering with some priests, the founder of Opus Dei gives some advice on how priests in love with our Lord behave.
  • The Priestly Society of the Holy Cross: on 14 February 1943, Saint Josemaría saw the canonical solution for the priests of the Work.