Number of articles: 2268

Accompanied by the prayers of many Australians and New Zealanders

An interview with Peter Fitzsimons, an Australian who is one of the deacons who received the priestly ordination at a ceremony in the Roman basilica of Saint Eugenio on 22 May 2004.

Recent News

I resolved to smile more

Interview with Roger Bissonnette, car mechanic and school bus driver, Besner & Bissonnette Inc. He is married with two adult children.

Personal testimonies

“St. Josemaría helped me see my work as service”

“I phoned a friend to tell him I had discovered a treasure which I wanted to share with him.” Testimony of Patrick Utomi, a lecturer in business studies and a consultant in Lagos, Nigeria.

Personal testimonies

Jose María Casciaro: “It’s worthwhile”

Father Jose María Casciaro, Associate Professor of Semitic Philology at the University of Madrid, died in Pamplona on March 8. He had lived in Madrid with the founder of Opus Dei during a considerable part of the years between 1939 and 1942. His recollections of those years crystallized in a book published in 1998, whose title “It’s worthwhile” is even more relevant today.

Personal testimonies

Examining life in New York

New York is legendary for its fast pace of life. Like everywhere, people here have trouble finding time to reflect on the meaning of life, or on what it takes to live a fulfilled life. But that is exactly what a group of college students and young professionals did recently at Schuyler Hall, an Opus Dei center in Manhattan, at a seminar entitled “The Examined Life: Philosophical Reflections on Ordinary Life.”

Recent News

Students Find Ways to Help Kids in Ottawa

A newsletter from ASEOP (Association for Culture and Educational Development) talks about summer projects organized by some members of Opus Dei in Canada.

Social initiatives

Olson & Miesel on The Da Vinci Hoax

Carl E. Olson and Sandra Miesel comment on their book, "The Da Vinci Hoax: Exposing the Errors in The Da Vinci Code."

Recent News

“I feel the weight of the Work and the power of God”

Ten years ago, prior to his appointment as Prelate, Bishop Javier Echevarría spoke about his life in Opus Dei in a lengthy interview by Pilar Urbano. On the tenth anniversary of that appointment, we present excerpts from that interview.

From the Prelate

Discourse of John Paul II to UNIV 2004

Recent News

De-coding Da Vinci: Zenit interviews Amy Welborn on her new book

First, there was "The Da Vinci Code." Now there's "De-coding Da Vinci." The latter, by writer Amy Welborn, aims to debunk the errors that permeate the best-selling novel by Dan Brown.

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