Number of articles: 2273

The Da Vinci Code, the Catholic Church and Opus Dei

A response to the The Da Vinci Code from the Prelature of Opus Dei in the United States.

Recent News

Apostolic letter for the Eucharistic Year

"Stay with us, Lord,” John Paul II’s apostolic letter for the Eucharistic year, has been introduced at the Vatican. According to Cardinal Arinze, the Pope’s letter "will help guide the Church to celebrate this special year with the greatest possible fruits."

Recent News

Canadians help out in Mexico

This past July, a group of girls from a Canadian university residence joined some Mexican students to participate in an international development project in Mexico. Fonteneige, a Montreal residence hall entrusted to Opus Dei, has organized international development projects such as this for over fifteen years.

Social initiatives

Metro Achievement Program

Metro helps Chicago's disadvantaged youngsters to become better students and better people through after-school and summertime programs that integrate academics with virtues.

Social initiatives

The Prelate’s First Pastoral Visit to Croatia

Bishop Javier Echevarría visited Zagreb, Croatia, for three days at the end of August. A little over a year ago the first center of Opus Dei opened there.

From the Prelate

Bishop Javier Echevarria: “Let the Light dispel every shadow in your homes.”

Following is the complete text of the Prelate’s homily at the XV Marian Family Day on September 4 at Torreciudad.

From the Prelate

30,000 Attend Family Festival at Torreciudad

The Marian Shrine at Torreciudad in the Spanish Pyrenees became a family shrine on September 4 when a multitude of people from many cities in that country and several neighboring ones gathered there. The Prelate of Opus Dei presided at Mass. His entire homily can be found in an adjoining column.

Recent News

Pope John Paul encourages 15,000 young people to revitalize the rich patrimony of Europe

On September 3, thousands of young people listened to a recorded message from the Pope at a conference of Catholic Action in Loreto, Italy. Besides emphasizing the role young people must play in building a new Europe, the Holy Father declared that “a civilization of love cannot be established by separating the Gospel from culture.”

Recent News

“Looking after my family is truly professional work.”

“The knowledge that I’m a much-loved daughter of God, my “divine filiation”, and that everything that happens to me is either willed or permitted by God, gives me a wonderful feeling of security, a great peace.” Testimony of Virginia McGough, homemaker in Cheshire, Great Britain, married with five children between 5 and 13.

Personal testimonies

The Prelate of Opus Dei Takes Part in the XV Family Day at Torreciudad

Thousands of people joined Bishop Echevarría on September 4 at the Marian shrine of Torreciudad in the Spanish Pyrenees. He spoke to them about the family as a divine gift.

Recent News