“Let us increase our veneration and affection for the person who takes Christ’s place here on earth, for the Holy Father, both the current one and the one who will come after him. They will have to suffer so much to lead God’s flock along a safe path, and drive away the false prophets, who are like ravenous wolves.
Let us pray more . . . for the Holy Church, taking as our intercessor our beloved Father [Saint Josemaria]. Let us ask God that, following our Father’s example, we may always be faithful children of the Church and the Pope.
Let us work untiringly in union with all the bishops who are in full communion with the Holy See, so that the Kingdom of God may grow in extension and our Lord may remove from his Holy Spouse the evils that afflict her. Let us struggle to respond a bit better each day, and thus render God’s Church the best service possible: the struggle to be saints.” (Letter, September 30, 1975, no. 62).