The Postulation of the Cause received notification of the cure of Dr. Manuel Nevado Rey in a letter dated 15 March 1993. It was signed by Luis Eugenio Bernardo, an engineer and a member of the Prelature of Opus Dei, who had suggested to Dr. Nevado that he pray to Blessed Josemaria Escriva for a cure. With the collaboration of the person concerned, the required documents were collected and an exhaustive study was carried out of the malady Dr. Nevado had suffered from.
Once the extraordinary nature of the cure had been established with certainty, the Postulation of the Cause presented the assembled documents to the Bishop of Badajoz on 30 December 1993, with the petition that the Process on the miracle be opened.
The diocesan investigation was carried out in the episcopal Curia of Badajoz from 12 May to 4 July 1994. When the documents of the Process were sent to Rome, the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints certified, on 26 April 1996, that the Process had been carried out fully respecting existing juridical norms and praxis (decree of validity).
On 10 July 1997, the medical advisory board of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints unanimously declared that Dr. Nevado's cure from "a grave cancerous state of chronic radiodermatitis in its third and irreversible stage" had been "very rapid, complete, and lasting; scientifically inexplicable."
On 9 January 1998, the theological consultors to the Congregation, with a unanimous vote, declared that the cure had been preternatural in character and that there had been a causal relation between invoking Blessed Josemaria and the disappearance of the illness.
The ordinary Congregation of Cardinals and Bishops who are members of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, on 21 September 2001, unanimously confirmed the miraculous character of the cure and that it could be attributed to Blessed Josemaria Escriva.
The reading of the decree on the miracle has taken place on 20 December 2001, in the presence of the Pope.
After the reading of the decree, the Pope will convoke a Consistory, during which he will make known the dates for the canonizations that are to be carried out.