Number of articles: 5042

Juan Eusebio, Spain: "The formation I receive in the Work is essential for me"

Juan Eusebio works in the fields of Mérida. He and his wife take in Saharawi children from refugee camps.

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Fr. Nicanor, Spain: "I love being a priest"

A priest from an island—the eighth of the Canary Islands—with fewer than 1,000 inhabitants. He is currently the parish priest in Arrecife (Lanzarote), where he oversees two parishes and strives to spread the Gospel everywhere with a smile.

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Cloti, Spain: "If I'm with you, I already have a family"

After Cloti and Antonio had been married for some time, Cloti, who works at an optical store with many clients, was often asked the same question: "Don’t you have children?"

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Meditations: The Presentation of the Lord

Some reflections that can enrich our prayer on the feast of the Presentation of the Lord.

João Carlos, Brazil: "I found God in my archeological excavations"

João Carlos is an architect, professor of archaeology, and comparative history researcher. "We have to have great love for people's freedom, because without freedom, it's impossible to love God," he says.

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Autimio, Brazil: "In Opus Dei, I learned to find God in little things"

"At first, I couldn't find God in my work," says Autimio, a Brazilian dentist. He explains how, thanks to Saint Josemaría, he discovered the secret of working well: seeking to love God and others by taking care of the smallest details.

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Malina, Malaysia: "Seeing my friends take Communion was the beginning of my journey"

Malina learned to get along with Muslims, atheists and Christians in her own family. "My family is an example of the mix of cultures and religions that exist in my country, Malaysia," she says. Her father is an atheist, her mother is Catholic, and her sisters converted to Islam. She decided to be baptised at the age of 16. That was the beginning of a search that would eventually lead her to Opus Dei as an assistant numerary.

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Cecilia, Canada: "Through my work, people feel loved and valued"

Cecilia was born into a Catholic family in Ontario, Canada. The faith she received in her childhood is, to some extent, from her great-grandfather (the English intellectual Malcolm Muggeridge) and his tireless search for truth. The legacy Malcolm and his wife Kitty left their family was this spirit of inquiry and dedication. In her vocation to Opus Dei as an assistant numerary, Cecilia seeks to make people loved and valued through her professional work and to bring them closer to God.

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Meditations: First Sunday of Saint Joseph

The first reflection for the seven Sundays of Saint Joseph. The topics are: Devotion of the Seven Sundays of Saint Joseph; Mission of the father of Jesus; Patron of the Church and the Work.

Manolo, Spain: "Faith is the most important thing. I would be a nobody if I didn’t offer everything I do"

“My name is Manuel Lozano Salamanca. I have a slight disability from birth on the left side of my body, due to cerebral palsy. I’m the eldest of three siblings, and I had to set an example… I had to be, well, not just normal, but a step beyond." Thus begins the story of a fighter.

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