Number of articles: 4779

Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz, in Nigeria: "Let us bring the joy of Christ to others."

Here are some highlights from the pastoral visit to Nigeria by the Prelate of Opus Dei, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, who was there from July 19 to July 26. Opus Dei began its work in Nigeria in 1965.

From the Prelate

The Prelate of Opus Dei, in the Shrine of Covadonga

Invited by Jesús Sanz Montes, the Archbishop of Oviedo, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz went on pilgrimage to the shrine of Covadonga to participate in the Marian Jubilee Year of the Coronation of the Virgin. He prayed before the Virgin in the Holy Cave and concelebrated Mass with Archbishop Sanz Montes and Don Adolfo Mariño, abbot of Covadonga.

From the Prelate

Mass Celebrated at the Covadonga Shrine

Homily of the Prelate of Opus Dei at the Shrine of Covadonga (Spain), where the Archbishop invited him to join the Marian Jubilee Year of Covadonga commemorating the Canonical Coronation of the Virgin of Covadonga

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages

New Mediterraneans (IV): "Don't speak: listen to him" (with audio)

"Resolution: foster, uninterruptedly if possible, friendship and a loving, docile conversation with the Holy Spirit." Saint Josemaria discovers another "new Mediterranean" in his spiritual life.

Fostering Interior Life

When Christ Passes By

An excerpt from a homily of Saint Augustine about the curing of the blind men at Jericho, in Saint Matthew's gospel.

Fostering Interior Life

Youth Speaking Out: "Do I speak with Jesus, or am I frightened of silence?"

Mariam is a young Kenyan woman who is studying engineering. She is convinced that we can listen to Christ who speaks to us in the ordinary experiences of our daily life.

Personal testimonies

"Discovering the ever-youthful face of Christ"

On Thursday, 5 July 2018, Pope Francis authorized several decrees on heroic virtues, including those relating to two teenagers: the Anglo-Italian Carlo Acutis and the Spaniard Alexia González-Barros, who died respectively at 15 and 14 years of age.

Recent News

"Sanctity is the path to happiness"

An extensive interview with the Prelate of Opus Dei was recently published in the Italian newspaper "Avvenire." Here are two questions about the apostolic exhortation "Guadete et exsultate."

From the Prelate

Transcript of Cardinal Dolan's June 26, 2018 Homily

Transcript of the homily given by Cardinal Timothy Dolan on June 26, 2018 in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Manhattan, for the feast of Saint Josemaria.

Recent News

Ulf and Birgitta: "Be an example!"

Ulf and Birgitta have recently embraced the Catholic faith. Last April they met Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz in Stockholm, during the Prelate’s pastoral visit to Sweden.

Personal testimonies