Number of articles: 47

The Soul Dances: Tiredness and rest (II)

"It is helpful to discover how to rest amid the small occurrences of everyday life." The second part of an article on the need to rest in the midst of a life of hard work.

Dora and the Dignity of Work

"Daily work has the same dignity whether you are a neuro-surgeon or the lady dedicated to ironing clothes at home," writes Álvaro Sarmiento on the occasion of International Worker's Day, celebrated on May 1st.


St. Josemaria Understands You're Human

Video. Annamaria, a nursing student from California, USA, explains why she wants to be a nurse and how reading St. Josemaria's books, especially The Way, Furrow and The Forge, has helped her overcome discouragement in her daily life.


St. Josemaria Taught Me How to Work with Love

On June 26th, 1975, Ana Lorente happened to be in Opus Dei's central headquarters and on that day, she took a series of final photos of St. Josemaria, for posterity's sake.


Praying with Saint Joseph

The Founder of Opus Dei saw in St. Joseph the strong and affectionate father that Christ wanted on earth. He asked St. Joseph to teach him how to stay close to Mary and to Jesus: “How he would have embraced the Child, and kissed him!.”

It Seemed Humanly Impossible

I am writing to report two favors which I received in the last year through the intercession of Dora. Thanks to her, I was able to find and keep the job that I love.


Unity of Life in Professional Work

“Any honorable work can be prayer and all prayerful work is apostolate. In this way the soul develops a unity of life, which is both simple and strong." A new article in the series on sanctifying work.

Sanctifying with our Work

“Sanctity, for the vast majority of people, implies sanctifying their work, sanctifying themselves in it, and sanctifying others through it,” the Founder of Opus Dei tells us.

Work is a way to holiness

Bishop Alvaro del Portillo explains how work helps us to be Christians at all times, not just on the weekends.


Then I began to work better

Manuel is a hairdresser and lives in Peru. In this short video he tells how St Josemaria's message changed his work and family life.