Number of articles: 3

"Sowers of Peace and Joy": The Charism of Opus Dei in St. Josemaría's Words

This short video brings together some features of the charism of Opus Dei as explained by St. Josemaría: doing everything out of love, understanding all people, praying for the Church and the Pope, sharing one vocation, being a family, imitating Jesus Christ, being a temple of the Blessed Trinity wherever we are, and sanctifying work.

Seven Ways to Get to Know St. Josemaría Better

St. Josemaría was born on 9 January 1902 in Barbastro, Spain. Here are a variety of resources to get to know his life and works better.


On the Feast Day of St Josemaría: "Our work, the place where God acts"

We offer the homily preached by the Prelate of Opus Dei on the Feast Day of St Josemaría and a selection of pictures taken in the Masses celebrated in several countries.