Number of articles: 9

“At home and along the way, when you lie down and when you rise:” The Plan of Life (I)

A spiritual plan of life is not so much a “system” as a deep-rooted interior commitment to a relationship: the relationship of a child with their Father. Editorial in the “Combat, closeness, mission” series.

Another Way of Seeing: Giving Means of Formation

When we give means of formation, we try to look with the gaze of a person for whom Christ is the center of everything. We also try to see through our listeners' eyes, in order to reach their hearts. And we do this with our own perspective and personality, which help us convey an authentic Christian message, true to its original meaning.

The Silence of a Contemplative Soul: The Time of Afternoon and Night

The custom of focusing our time of work in the afternoon and our time of night can help us gather our senses and engage in a wordless dialogue with the Lord.

An Offering Pleasing to God: Morning Offering and "Serviam!"

Serving and glorifying God: these words encapsulate the saints’ aspirations. Each morning, when we wake, we have the opportunity to offer our entire day to the Lord, allowing this desire to guide our life.

Rest for God’s Children: Annual Formational Workshops

A reflection on the rest, study, and fraternity that characterize the workshops organized for people of the Work during their vacations.

The Dawn of the Day of the Sun: Benediction and a Marian Antiphon

Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament and an antiphon to Our Lady on Saturday prepare us for the Sunday celebration and unite our two great loves, Christ and Mary, in one moment of the week.

Embracing the World Through Prayer: Psalm 2

The consideration of divine filiation — a filial adoption Christ has made each baptized person participate in through grace — is the foundation of the entire spirituality of Opus Dei. Some reflections on Psalm 2, which St. Josemaria wanted the faithful of Opus Dei to recite and meditate on every Tuesday in order to foster this filial spirit.

A Door Opening to Mystery: the Athanasian Creed

The Athanasian Creed – also known by its first words “Quicumque vult” – is a summary of truths of the faith about the Most Holy Trinity and the Incarnation. Saint Josemaría used to pray and meditate on this text on the third Sunday of each month, to grow in his love for the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

A Song of Praise and Love: the "Trium Puerorum"

The ‘Trium Puerorum’ is a hymn of praise to God that the Church recommends praying after Holy Mass. The whole of nature is invited to join in this song, which was first sung by three young Jewish men in the Old Testament.