Sidnei, Brazil: "Everything works for the good, including when I lost my job"
How do you sanctify work when you're fired from your job? That was one of the questions Sidnei asked when he lost his position after the restructuring of the multinational company he worked for. He discovered that he could approach this period in another way, as a new way to serve.
Autimio, Brazil: "In Opus Dei, I learned to find God in little things"
"At first, I couldn't find God in my work," says Autimio, a Brazilian dentist. He explains how, thanks to Saint Josemaría, he discovered the secret of working well: seeking to love God and others by taking care of the smallest details.
João Carlos, Brazil: "I found God in my archeological excavations"
João Carlos is an architect, professor of archaeology, and comparative history researcher. "We have to have great love for people's freedom, because without freedom, it's impossible to love God," he says.
Carol, Brazil: "The Work became an extension of my family"
Caroline, 37 years old and originally from Osasco, comes from a family where her father is a hairdresser and her mother a maths teacher. She studied hospitality and did a specialisation course in the service sector. She says that her vocation to the Work as an assistant numerary makes her "a mother within Opus Dei," which means caring for people in every aspect of their being. "It has a spiritual impact as well, not just a material one."
Ana Cecilia, Brazil: "I discovered that my dream could be multiplied"
From her childhood in Curitiba to her commitment to Opus Dei, Ana Cecília has travelled a path of self-discovery. Through medicine and her relationship with God, she found her purpose: to transform lives and fulfil her dream of motherhood by serving others.
Mirian, Brazil: "Like a GPS, God is recalculating your path"
Miriam, from Brazil, is 34 years old and is a gynaecologist and obstetrician. She is married and has a three-month-old son. She was an associate of Opus Dei for a time, until, after a period of reflection in which she always felt accompanied and understood, she saw that her path lay elsewhere.
“I discovered that Catholics read the Bible”
Larissa, who was Protestant, had a Catholic boyfriend in Brazil. At first she thought he was going to convert (and he vice versa). There came a time when their differences seemed unsolvable. But Google helped to solve the problem.
The Solidarity Refrigerator
Thanks to the impetus of cooperators of Opus Dei, a neighborhood initiative began in Brazil to help needy people during the ongoing pandemic.
24 Hours in Pursuit of Holiness
Perola discovered her vocation to Opus Dei – the call to seek holiness through one's work and daily life – when she was in the university. Here she describes what a typical day in her life as a doctor in São Paulo, Brazil is like.
Alvaro, a Beacon for his Friends
In the early hours of April 16-17, 2021, Alvaro de Pedroso Siqueira, a young supernumerary of Opus Dei, died from Covid in São Paulo, Brazil. Testimonies soon began arriving from many friends who testified to how Alvaro had helped them come closer to God.