"Sanctity is made up of heroic acts. Therefore, in our work we are asked for the heroism of finishing properly the tasks committed to us, day after day, even though they are the same tasks.” Saint Josemaría
"Sanctity is made up of heroic acts. Therefore, in our work we are asked for the heroism of finishing properly the tasks committed to us, day after day, even though they are the same tasks.”
Here is an article on a key aspect of Saint Josemaria's message: growing in holiness by offering our work done with love to God.
"When we strive to sanctify our specific profession, our particular family situation, and our other daily duties, we are not sanctifying simply an isolated thread, but the whole social fabric." A new article in the series on work.
“Any honorable work can be prayer and all prayerful work is apostolate. In this way the soul develops a unity of life, which is both simple and strong." A new article in the series on sanctifying work.
The second part of an article on how to turn our work and daily activities into contemplative prayer, following the teachings of St. Josemaría.
St Josemaría often said: “Our ordinary activities are not an insignificant matter. Rather they are the very hinge on which our sanctity turns." A new article in the series on "Sanctifying our Work."
God wants us to work hard to help build up his creation, but also to rest. We offer an article that draws on the teachings of John Paul II and St. Josemaria on this topic.
The sanctification of work is at the heart of the message of Saint Josemaría. But what does it mean to sanctify our work? How is it done? We offer an eBook for free download with sixteen essays on this topic.
"A Christian's professional prestige does not necessarily involve success. The prestige that draws souls to God comes from the Christian virtues enlivened by charity." A new article in the series on sanctifying work.
“Sanctity, for the vast majority of people, implies sanctifying their work, sanctifying themselves in it, and sanctifying others through it,” the Founder of Opus Dei tells us.
"Both in Nazareth and on Calvary, Christ's work (and our own, in so far as we are united with him) is redemptive and sanctifying." A new article in the series "Sanctifying our Work."
"Work in our hands, as it was in Christ’s, must be turned into prayer to God and service to mankind for the co-redemption of the whole human race." A new article in the series "Sanctifying our Work."
An article on one of St. Josemaria's key teachings: how to sanctify our daily work.
The beginning of one's working life and the end of it are two important stages in life that bring with them special challenges in striving to sanctify work.
Reconciling work and family obligations is not always easy. We can learn a lot from the Holy Family, as this new article in the series on sanctifying work reminds us.
What does St. Josemaría mean when he insists that our work can become contemplative prayer? A new article in the series on how to sanctify our daily work.
"Sanctifying oneself in work means allowing oneself to be sanctified by the Holy Spirit, who increases our capacity to love." 8th article in the series "Sanctifying our Work."
We offer the third in a series of articles on how to sanctify our daily work in light of the teachings of St. Josemaria.