Junior candidates in Opus Dei
In the Prelature of Opus Dei, junior candidates are people between fourteen and a half and sixteen and a half years old who, seeking to respond to a call from the Lord, have expressed their desire to join the Prelature when they reach the required age.
Apostolic constitution "Ut sit"
The English translation of the apostolic constitution, Ut sit, by which Opus Dei was established as the Catholic Church's first personal prelature.
Regional Circumscriptions of Opus Dei
This article lists the current circumscriptions of Opus Dei, which include about seventy countries in which the Prelature is present.
Historical Overview
Opus Dei was founded in 1928 in Spain and is currently established in 66 countries.
Christians in the middle of the world
Opus Dei has around 90,000 members, both men and women. 98% are laypeople, most of whom are married. The remaining 2% are priests.
Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to the questions people most commonly ask about Opus Dei.
Be Do Care 2024
From 10 to 12 October 2024, São Paulo, Brazil, is hosting BeDoCare 2024, focusing on the legacy for future generations. Key conferences are being livestreamed (in Spanish and Portuguese) and will be available on YouTube.
Ten Years of Volunteering in Puente Vallecas under Blessed Álvaro's Patronage
This social initiative, born around the beatification of Álvaro del Portillo, has involved the help of 3,500 volunteers and served 22,500 meals. But what really matter are the people behind the numbers. Each of them has a story of suffering and hardship.
Common Works and Auxiliary Societies of Opus Dei: What were they, and why did they cease to exist?
From the foundational years, St. Josemaría said that Opus Dei would have personal and collective ways of communicating the Christian faith and the spirit of the Work. This article describes the evolution of its collective apostolate.