“The Cross, the Holy Cross, is heavy”

When you celebrated the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross you asked Our Lord, with the most earnest desire of your heart, to grant you his grace so as to “exalt'' the Holy Cross in the powers of your soul and in your senses. You asked for a new life; for the Cross to set a seal on it, to confirm the truth of your mission; for the whole of your being to rest on the Cross! We shall see... (The Forge, 517)

The Cross, the Holy Cross, is heavy. First there are my sins. Then the sad truth of our Mother the Church's suffering. For so many Catholics are apathetic: they want, without really wanting. And those we love are separated from us, for all kinds of reasons. And other people or we ourselves are suffering illness and trials. The Cross, the Holy Cross, is heavy. Fiat, adimpleatur...! "May the most just, the most lovable Will of God be done, be fulfilled, be praised and exalted above all things for ever! Amen. Amen.'' (The Forge, 769)

The Cross is not pain, or annoyance, or bitterness. It is the holy wood on which Jesus Christ triumphs... and where we triumph too, when we receive what He sends us with cheerful and generous hearts. (The Forge, 788)

Sacrifice, sacrifice! It is true that to follow Jesus Christ is to carry the Cross - He has said so. But I do not like to hear souls who love Our Lord speak so much about crosses and renunciations, because where there is Love, it is a willing sacrifice - though it remains hard - and the cross is the Holy Cross. A soul which knows how to love and give itself in this way, is filled with peace and joy. Therefore, why insist on "sacrifice", as if you were seeking consolation, if Christ's Cross - which is your life - makes you happy? (Furrow, 249)

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